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Exercising to Beat Chest Infections: How Far Can You Blow?

By January 20, 2021No Comments2 min read

Usually when we think of exercising, we think of losing weight or staying fit.  However, specific exercises can be done to improve functions of the various parts in the body.

Chest infections are one of the commonest illnesses among children. For your child to beat chest infections, you need to ensure that his respiratory system is in top-notch shape. It is very helpful to teach or engage your child in exercises specially made to improve and maintain healthy lung function.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises involve taking in big breaths and then breathing out big breaths as well. They decrease stress, reduce anxiety and make your child’s attention better. Also, they will sharpen your child’s ability to focus and learn. In addition, these exercises teach him how to behave when with others and encourages happiness, if he learns to do them in a group.

Some of these exercises are

Bubble blowing

Blowing pom poms /feathers /papers balls on the table

Blowing paper cranes in the air

Blow-spray painting

Teach these simple, fun but effective activities to your child. You can get involved yourself at playtime with your child. Every child is different, so every child may have a different response or reaction to these activities. Therefore, let your child pick his favourite activities himself. This encourages decision-making.

Your child should do these exercises in spacious areas with good ventilation. You can use the opportunity to teach the science behind the activities as well. What fun way be healthy! Feel free to get creative and vary the games to suit your child’s needs, abilities and preference.

Article contributed by Yvonne Ewurama Osei, paediatric physiotherapist, and edited by Babychildandco team.

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